Right to protest

Right to protest
Ikike mmadụ
Ndị ọrụ na-elekọta ụlọ na-eji ikike ha eme ngagharị iwe n'ihu ụlọ MTV na Santa Monica, California.

Ikike ime ngagharị iwe nwere ike ịbụ ngosipụta nke ikike nnwere onwe nzukọ, ikike nnwere onwe mkpakọrịta, na ikike nnwere onwe ikwuputa okwu.[1] Ọzọkwa, ngagharị iwe na mmachi na ngagharị iwe eteela áká dika oge gọọmentị.[2]

  1. The Historic Right to Peaceful Protest. YourRights.org.uk (Liberty) (19 September 2006). Archived from the original on 30 April 2008.
  2. Cooper (2005). in Addis: "The Right to Peaceful Protest" in Your Rights: The Liberty Guide to Human Rights, 8, Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745322766. 

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